
The 4th of February was the special day we had all been awaiting for four months! With huge excitement and impatience, we boarded the planes from Dresden to Frankfurt, from Frankfurt to Dallas, and finally from Dallas to the airport of Tucson. After a 6-hour delay and a one-hour drive from the airport to the city hall of Sierra Vista, we finally arrived at 1 a.m. in the morning and were picked up by our sleepy hosts.

I would love to tell you everything we experienced in Sierra Vista but I assume there isn’t enough paper. So I´m going to summarize the highlights and if you want to know more about the whole exchange, then check out this page:

Also, in Sierra Vista, we were able to visit the mayor of the city, who welcomed us in a really friendly way. We went to school with our hosts, which is huge compared to our school with more than 1,500 students. We travelled to different cities like Tucson and Phoenix by bus to go sightseeing, to visit museums, to go shopping or to have fun at the “Get Air Trampoline Hall” with the Americans. Every day, we met at 7.30 a.m. at the meeting point in front of the school, and from there we went to different locations by bus to go hiking, to visit the military base or the Grand Canyon region, which was very impressive, as were the cowboy and snake ranches we saw. On the family weekends, everyone experienced something exciting. The host families took us to different events in old Western towns nearby Sierra Vista such as a gun show…

I think I have already told you enough about our unique and unforgettable exchange in Arizona and Cananea…so don’t be shy and go ahead now to experience this exchange by yourself! I promise you´ll miss every shot you won´t take! 😉

Our adventure in Cananea and San Carlos: 11th – 17th of February
Finally! On the 11th of February, we left Sierra Vista and our American host families to continue our exchange trip to Mexico in Cananea!

Cananea is a small but lively border town and about one hour away from Sierra Vista. Besides that, the small city is famous for its big copper mine. We all were pretty excited to meet our partly old and new Mexican friends!

As soon as we arrived, we explored the colourful streets with their little corner shops, and in the evening the Mexicans threw a Party to welcome us. On the next day, which was our first day of the program, we first met the vice mayor, the minister of education, and the minister of tourism. They welcomed us in a very lovely way and gave us some national Mexican candies and a personalized base cap for everyone with the sign of Cananea on it. Immediately after this, we went eating some tacos and our hosts took us to a viewpoint which was located on the highest hill of the city. From up there, we had a good view over the whole town and the copper mine, which was huge! After that, we visited the pretty city park and from 2.50 p.m. until 8 p.m., we spent time at the local school. The school itself is way smaller compared to ours. Overall, the Mexican school system is a lot different and lessons seem not that serious, but rather relaxed.
On the 13th of February, we left the city by bus at 9 a.m. to travel to the wonderful beach region called San Carlos. We stayed there in a great hotel with ocean view for 3 days. We explored a lot in those short 3 days: We went to the beach and some of us went for a swim in the nicely warm water. The surprising thing about that was that only the Germans went but no Mexicans because they found the water too cold although it was way warmer than the Baltic Sea in the summer! Our hotel owned some big pools which we enjoyed very often. Besides that, we went to a seal and dolphin show, which was pretty cool, and to a restaurant with a sea view for eating seafood from the region.
On our second day in San Carlos, we also went on a boat trip along the coast. We all really enjoyed this event. We went cruising on a private boat until the evening. Warm weather and a light breeze, there was fun-loving Mexican music all the time and everyone was in a happy mood. We stayed on the boat till the sun had set and sometimes we were able to watch a school of dolphins jumping out of the water or pelicans sitting on top of a rock island.

On the 15th, we had to travel back to Cananea, about which we were all very sad. We spent our last day in Mexico at a big ranch of the Mexican chaperone, who organised our farewell party. The weather wasn’t as good as our mood. We didn’t want to leave… well nearly everyone. We became very good friends with all of the Mexicans and at the end no one was a stranger anymore. We fitted together like a big, big family😊. Nevertheless, we also wanted to have fun on our last day, so we let the day pass while eating Mexican food like tacos and quesadillas, riding horses, eating again, playing a game and trying to crack a piñata, eating the candy which fell off the piñata, sitting together or playing table tennis, eating once more – namely a delicious cake – and making music.

The next day we had to say “good bye” to go back to the United States.


Tag der offenen Tür am 23.01.25, zw. 16:30-19:30 Uhr.

Anmeldung für das Schuljahr 2025/26 vom 03.03.-07.03.2025 täglich von 7.00 bis 14.00 Uhr. Alle Informationen finden Sie hier.

Lehrersprechtag am 16.04.25, zw. 17:00-19:00 Uhr. Voranmeldung telefonisch im Sekretariat.

Feierstunde zum Goldenen Abitursjubiläum am 26.09.25, um 10:00 Uhr in der Schule

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